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Control and Influence Changes After Operation "Peace Spring"

Updated: May 1

Published Via Omran Center on December 18, 2019

This report examines, in numbers and charts, the developments in the northern region of Syria after the commencement of operation “Peace Spring" by the Turkish military and the Syrian National Army (SNA). The report highlights the following points:

  • The current map of control and influence in northern Syria and other provinces that are geographically connected to the north;

  • The map of the international and local actors in general, without detailing their influence or the extent of their control;

  • Who is controlling the most important resources and infrastructure in the northern region (the most important international roads - International border crossings and their situation).

(Who's/What) controlling the Syrian north region

Map 1: Updated areas of control and influence in the Northern region of Syria – 12 December 2019

Table 1: International direct/indirect presence s in the Northern provinces in Syria – (General look)

Table 2: Local forces updated percentage of control in the north provinces in Syria

Table 3: Who's controlling M4 road from Iraq (Kurdistan) border to the administrative borders between Idlib and Hama provinces

Table 4: Situation of the international crossing border in the Northern provinces in Syria

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