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Iranian Economic, Administrative, and Military Influence in Syria 2017

Published Via Omran on May 21, 2018


This report is an introduction for a series of reports, which will address Iran's military and economic activities in Syria during 2018, and highlights Iran's most prominent activities in 2017, activities that still have major effects until this date.

Iranian influence in Syria is often reduced to its military support, including more than 50,000 armed militia members. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its auxiliary institutions not only provided military and financial support to the Syrian regime but have expanded their administrative and economic activities in Syria by infusing their institutions within the Armed Forces, service-delivery ministries, local political and armed bodies, and non-governmental organizations. This monitoring report provides an overview of Iran’s illicit activities in Syria during 2017 and early 2018. It provides indicators for its long-term interests and highlights mechanisms that it uses to infiltrate government agencies, the private sector, and society in general regardless of the political outcome of the crisis.

Iran’s Military Presence and Strategies

IRGC forces organize their operations in Syria according to five main military fronts:

  1. Damascus: includes the governorates of Damascus and its suburbs.

  2. Southern: includes the provinces of Daraa, Quneitra, and Suwayda.

  3. Central: includes the governorates of Homs, Hama, and Idlib.

  4. Coastal: includes the provinces of Lattakia and Tartus.

  5. Northern: includes the governorates of Aleppo and Raqqah.

In addition, the IRGC established military bases in all of the aforementioned fronts to accommodate up to 10,000 fighters who report directly to IRGC command, such as Al-Fatemiyoun, Al-Zaynibion, and Quds Brigade. It supplied these bases with heavy weapons and anti-aircraft missiles. The central headquarters or command center used by Iranian forces is located in a building at Damascus Airport called the "Glass House," where Syrian forces are barred from entering. This has allowed Iranian forces and their bases to receive and store arms and military equipment from Iran without being checked or monitored. Foreign fighters, Foreign fighters, such as those from Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine, are not subject to the orders of Syrian generals in the Syrian Army. They are under the command of the IRGC.

Recruitment Processes

The recruitment process of Iranian-backed foreign fighters primarily targets individuals from the Shiite sect. The rise of Iraqi Shiite militias in Syria became more visible since the emergence of Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade at Sayeda Zeinab district in Damascus in 2012. The recruitment of Iraqi Shiite jihads took place mainly at mosques and Shiite seminaries under the patronage of Shiite clerics. Later, recruitment shifted to social media. Iran also recruited Afghan refugees from among the estimated three million Shiites of Hazara; less than a million of them held official refugee status in Iran. Others are forced to volunteer to fight in Syria under threat of deportation to Afghanistan.

Although the majority of Pakistan’s population is Sunni, there are several million Shiites who are the target for IRGC recruitment campaigns. Others volunteer to carry arms and die in defense of the Shiite community, the majority of whom are Pashtun from the Parachinar region of Pakistan tribal districts.

Recruitment campaigns are carried out at Shiite holy sites in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Pakistan, in addition to other supplemental online campaigns through social media. Campaign messages tend to focus on the pretext of defending Shiite holy sites and the Shia community. Military training is provided for approximately two months and sometimes for up to six months for heavy weapons training programs.

Iranian Deployment of Fighters into Syria

Lebanese Hezbollah:

Hezbollah positions in Lebanon close to the border with Syria, as well as positions along the border inside Syria, allowed for around 15,000 fighters to travel back and forth between Lebanon and Syria. The supply routes between Lebanon and Syria have not been cut off despite the duration of the war.

Iraqi Shiite Militias:

Initially, Shiite fighters traveled with their vehicles and military equipment from the Iraq-Syria border crossing when the regime controlled these crossings. However, when the border crossings with Iraq were seized by opposition forces, and later by ISIS, Iraqi Shiite fighters had to travel by air from Al Najaf International Airport in Iraq to Damascus International Airport. Militia members traveled on Iran Air and Cham Wings Airlines, owned by Rami Makhlouf.

Afghani and Pakistani Shiite Militias:

After receiving training at Iranian camps, these militias were transported via Tehran Airport to Damascus International Airport. In some cases, they were transferred by ground transportation networks from Iran to Iraq using the Shalamjah border crossing. After entering Iraq, they were sent to their final destination of Damascus via Najaf Airport.

Iran’s Military Activities during 2017

Forming and funding Brigade 313 as "Part of the Syrian Army"

Iran has continued its encroachment into southern Syria despite international agreements aimed at curbing its role in the area and despite the latest Russian-American de-escalation agreement signed in November 2017.

Because of their security interests in southern Syria, Israel, Jordan, and the US regard the expansion of Iranian militias near the border with Jordan and with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights as “a red line,” and thus they require swift military action. Despite this “red line,” Iran has continued to push the limits and expand its presence in recent months.

The province of Daraa witnessed an unexpected increase in conscription campaigns between Iranian and Regime forces during October and November 2017. The IRGC formed Brigade 313 as a new force in Daraa province and targeted young men for recruitment. Within a short period, the Iranian-led 313 Brigade attracted more than 200 young men. Members who were conscripted into the formation were mostly young men from Daraa known to work on behalf of the regime. They were promoting the force because of the salaries and benefits it provides. Enlisting in the army militias takes place at the Brigade 313 headquarters in the city of Izra. New members receive an ID badge with the IRGC logo, ensuring his ability to pass through regime-force checkpoints. Two weeks after joining, recruits were enrolled in training camps in Izra and Sheikh Maskin.

Establishing Al-Kiswah, a new military base in Damascus

The Iranian military established a compound at a site previously utilized by the Syrian army, located outside Al-Kiswah, approximately 14 km (8 miles) south of Damascus and around 50 km (31 miles) from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Satellite imagery analyzed from January to October 2017 reveals significant construction activity at this location. The images depict a series of about two dozen large low-rise buildings, which are likely used for housing soldiers and vehicles. Over recent months, the site has seen the addition of more buildings. However, despite these developments, it remains challenging to independently verify the specific purpose of the site or to confirm the presence of the Iranian military there. This situation highlights the ongoing complexity and sensitivity of military movements and installations in the region, particularly in areas proximate to international borders and conflict zones.

The images of the base do not reveal any signs of large or unconventional weaponry, which means if it were a base, it would most likely be to house soldiers and vehicles. Private sources indicate that senior Iranian military officials may have visited the compound in recent weeks. The images suggest that the facility is military in nature with several garages that can hold six to eight vehicles each.

New buildings were constructed and other buildings renovated in the past six months, although the exact use of the new structures cannot be determined. It is also not clear whether the facility is currently occupied. Shia fighters from other countries, including Pakistan and Afghanistan, are also alleged to be operating in Syria under the control of the IRGC, and it is possible they could use the base.

From the number of buildings and the size of the base, the estimated number of troops deployed there is around 500.

Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Al-Bukamal

Badr Organization

Established in 2003 by the Badr Brigades, this faction is the paramilitary organization of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI), a Shia Islamist party. Its leader is Hadi Al Amiri. At present, it is not only a military organization but also a political party with 22 seats in the Iraqi parliament. Its military units comprise 10,000-15,000 trained fighters. Its units were spotted in every PMU operation against ISIS.

In Syria, they participated in battles in southern Aleppo and Western Qalmoun. Currently, they are based in southern Aleppo.

Kata’ib Hezbollah (Battalions of the Party of God)

This organization was formed in 2003 as a resistance movement against the US invasion of Iraq. It is led by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and has up to 30,000 troops. Its fighters also support regime forces in Syria.

Kataib Al Imam Ali (Imam Ali Battalions) 

This is an armed wing of the Iraqi Islamic Movement that was formed in June 2014 in response to ISIS aggression. It is led by Shibl al Zayd who earlier fought in the Mahdi Army under the leadership of Moqtada al-Sadr. This group stands out because its membership draws from the Christian group the Spirit of God Jesus Son of Mary Battalions. Its units participated in operations to recapture Palmyra, in battles for Tikrit, and in the siege of Mosul.

Harakat Hezbollah Al Nujaba (Movement of the Party of God’s Nobles)

It was formed in 2013 in response to the war in Syria after a dispute with the leadership of Asaib ahl al Haq. The two groups still maintain close ties and often cooperate on the battlefield. It is led by Sheikh Akram al Kaabi, whose ideology is consistent with that of Ayatollah Khamenei.

Other Military Activities and Developments Involving Iran

On June 16, 2017, the IRGC launched six surface-to-surface mid-range ballistic missiles from a base near the Iranian-Iraqi border targeting ISIS forces in Deir ez-Zor province, in retaliation for ISIS-led terrorist attacks in Tehran earlier that month. Later, on November 23, 2017, IRGC Commander Ali Jafari committed to arming the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah with the "best weapons." Jafari emphasized that Hezbollah's armament was crucial for fighting Israel, Lebanon's adversary, and ensuring Lebanon's security, stating that this was "non-negotiable." He also mentioned Tehran's significant efforts towards a ceasefire to end the war in Syria. On November 27, 2017, Afghan officials, including Abdullah Abdullah, Head Chief of Afghanistan’s National Unity Government, expressed their opposition to the participation of Afghan fighters under the command of the Quds Force in the Fatemiyoun division and PMU in Syria and Iraq, at a Council of Ministers meeting in Kabul. Abdullah emphasized Afghanistan's clear policy against the participation of its nationals in conflicts abroad, opposing any proxy wars in other countries. Additionally, on the same day, the chief commander of the IRGC confirmed the presence of the Global Islamic Basij in Syria and Iraq, with smaller cells in other countries, hinting at an imminent global impact of this force.

Iran Forces and Allies Killed in Action (KIA) in the 4th Quarter of 2017

Major Iranian Economic Activities and Projects

Economic activities timeline in 2017

On June 12, 2017, the Syrian regime’s Ministry of Electricity entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian Reconstruction Authority to establish a power station for the towns of Nubl and Zahraa in the Aleppo countryside. On October 8, 2017, the Local Defense Forces (LDF) monitored the distribution of humanitarian aid provided by Iran in Rasm Al-Abd, east of Aleppo, where the Al-Thaqlin Center supervised the aid distribution. Subsequently, on October 9 and again on October 13, the Iranian Reconstruction Authority affiliated with the LDF undertook multiple rehabilitation projects in Aleppo. These included the Ibn Hazm School of Andalusia and the Fadil School in the town of Nubl, as well as the Ali Abdo School in the town of Zahraa. These efforts underscored a concentrated push by the Iranian authority to assist in rebuilding educational infrastructure in the region.

Iranian-backed Jihad Al-Benna Organization: Major Activities

Starting on October 28, 2017, the Jihad Al-Benna Organization undertook a series of reconstruction and recovery projects across the countryside of Aleppo, marking the beginning of a significant phase in infrastructure enhancement in the region. This initiative continued with additional projects launched on November 8, 2017. By November 23, the organization expanded its efforts to include the delivery of humanitarian aid to the residents of Al Bukamal following several days of conflict with ISIS near the city. On December 3, the focus shifted to educational infrastructure, with the construction of fourteen schools in the eastern districts and villages of Aleppo and ten more in the towns of Nubl and Al Zahraa, further supported by the Iranian-backed entity. The momentum of building critical infrastructure continued with the inauguration of a new hospital in Aleppo on December 14, facilitated by the LDF in cooperation with Jihad Al-Benna. The LDF, primarily engaged in community support and development, organized various activities ranging from rubble clearing and blood drives to sporting events, city beautification projects, and children’s camps, culminating their outreach efforts on December 16. These concerted actions highlight a comprehensive approach to recovery and rebuilding in Aleppo, focusing on both immediate humanitarian needs and long-term infrastructure development.

Representatives from Iran attended the ceremony and also Aleppo government and several of military leaders from SAA.

Dr. Ahmed Abadi al-Husseini, director of the Islamic Jihad Organization of Iran, said that the honor of the wounded and wounded from the Syrian Arab Army and the allied forces is "a thank-you gesture, pointing out that the Islamic Jihad Organization of Islamic Jihad continued to pay attention to wounded and sick.

Establishing a New University in the City of Aleppo

Iran and Syria signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a branch of Islamic Azad University in the city of Aleppo. A deputy head of Iran’s Islamic Azad University, Saleh Eskandari said, “Syrian President Bashar Assad has welcomed the plan to establish a branch of Islamic Azad University (IAU) in Syria.” Assad has called on the related officials, including the board of directors of Iran’s IAU, as well as the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, to pave the way for the establishment of the university after ensuring legal arrangements with the Syrian Ministry For science, he added. Outlining the details of the MoU in a Farsi interview with Fars News Agency, Eskandari also noted that the MoU was signed at a ceremony attended by Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to Iran’s leader, who was visiting Aleppo to lead a delegation.

Reactivate the Triangular Electrical Line between Iran, Iraq, and Syria

A series of strategic meetings and decisions marked significant advancements in regional cooperation and reconstruction efforts in Syria during late 2017. A notable event was a joint meeting held at the Iranian Ministry of Energy in Tehran involving the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian electricity ministries. This meeting led to the signing of a protocol to reactivate the tripartite electricity connection among the three countries, with the first 400 kV transmission line extending 155 km, including 25 km from Al Qaim station to the Iraqi-Syrian border and 130 km within Syrian territory up to Al Taym station. Additionally, a second line of 230 kV spanned 42 km through the Syrian Swedish stations to Tel Abu Zaher.

On December 4, 2017, Russian and Iranian parliamentarians gathered to discuss infrastructure projects in Syria, focusing on the reconstruction phase. This meeting highlighted cooperation in various sectors, notably in public works and housing, as announced by Hossein Arnous, the Syrian Minister of Public Works and Housing. Discussions also touched on the role of Shiite police in areas with significant Shiite populations, as reported by Sputnik news.

Economic adjustments were also a key focus, with the Syrian Parliament on December 8 approving an amendment to raise the reconstruction tax from 5% to 10%. Additionally, on December 9, the Central Bank of Syria reversed a decision to limit remittances and transfers of money into the country, aimed at stabilizing the financial system. Further economic insights were provided on December 6 by the Syrian Minister of Finance, who made a controversial remark about the lack of hunger in Syria, contrasting with his personal experiences of missing meals due to busy schedules.

The currency valuation saw significant movement as well, with the Iranian rial dropping against the dollar from an average price of 4093 in November to a record level of 4230 on December 7. Moreover, on December 12, The Associated Press disclosed details of a contract between the Russian company Evro Polis and Syria’s state-owned General Petroleum Corp., which stipulated that the Russian firm would receive 25% of the proceeds from oil and gas production at fields secured from ISIS militants.

These developments underscore a period of intense diplomatic activity and financial planning, aimed at addressing the immediate needs and long-term recovery of Syria, including the significant step of opening a new hospital in Aleppo on December 14, in collaboration between the LDF and Jihad al-Benna.

Military Appendix

Maps and Infographics

Map (1) International Main Military Bases and Airports - April 2018

The Scientific Research Center in the city of Musayaf was targeted by an Israeli air strike on 7 September 2017. The entry of Israeli aircraft was from Lebanon over Telaklakh, and the Russian S300 system was only 15 km away from the target area and 60 km from the point where the aircraft entered.

Iranian Shahed-129 drone at Hama airbase in Syria on 9 October 2017. On the same day, the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib was hit by a drone strike. An inside source confirmed that the Iranian drone took off before the hit in 30m.

Videos of Iran and Its Militias Military Involvement

  • 8 November 2017 - Full video released by Hezbollah media shows scale of IRGC group deployment across Iraq-Syria border -

  • 9 November 2017 - Hezbollah armor and vehicle columns outside of Bukamal -

  • 18 November 2017 - Shia militia encampments and artillery positions outside Bukamal -

  • 18 November 2017 - Intense combat between Hezbollah forces and ISIS in Bukamal -

  • 19 November 2017 - Hezbollah media releases video of Qassem Soleimani outside headquarters in Bukamal; claims he led the entire battle -

  • 23 November 2017 - IRGC and PMU forces at Al Sa'ah Square in Al Bukamal -

  • 25 November 2017 - 313 Battalion Commander Al Hajj Abu Abbas -

  • 28 November 2017 - Video for the IRGC-sponsored Afghan militia Liwa Fatemiyoun and Pakistani militia Liwa Zainebiyoun, southeast of Deir Ez-zor -

  • 29 November 2017 - Iraqi Bell 407 and Mi-35M monitoring the border between Al Qaim and Al Bukamal -

  • 2 December 2017 - Al Nujaba Movement (Harakat Al Nujaba, PMU and Militias active in Syria) release footage of its recent battles in Al Bukamal City -

  • 2 December 2017 - Video showing medical team of pro-Iran militias and Iraqi PMU Katiba Imam Ali treating civilians in Abu Kemal -

  • 5 December 2017 - Saraya Al Areen forces are in Deir Ez-Zor to support SAA and Allied Forces -

  • 6 December 2017 - According to the pro-opposition TV Channel Jisr, 400 Hezbollah militiamen have reached Baath City in Quneitra and taken positions in government buildings and several military positions in the area-

  • 7 December 2017 - Video of Hezbollah and allies operation against ISIS in Shayir and Ghabrah in Eastern Deir ez-Zor -

  • 7 December 2017 – Pro-Iran militias lead attack on the western countryside of Al Bukamal

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