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Military Operations along the Syrian-Jordanian Border: A Brief on the Anti-Terrorism Campaign

Updated: May 4

In the end of December 2023, The Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) have disclosed the cumulative totals of narcotics and weapons intercepted on the northeastern front from the beginning of 2021 through December 19, 2023.

The comprehensive seizure includes an immense haul of 60,280,642 Captagon pills, alongside 8,343 kilograms of hashish and 13 kilograms of cannabis. In addition to these substances, the forces confiscated 100,386 Tramadol pills in conjunction with 86 packets, and a significant cache of 589,000 Lexotan pills. The report from the JAF further details the confiscation of 35,810 strips containing Gallica capsules, 18,355 Blarica capsules, and a diverse array of 197,009 narcotic pills. The forces also reported the apprehension of 103.96 kilograms, as well as six parcels of various other narcotic substances.

This announcement underscores the extensive and ongoing commitment of the Jordanian Armed Forces to counteract the trafficking of illicit drugs, as part of a broader initiative to uphold national security and combat the influence of organized crime within the region. The JAF's vigilant enforcement at the northeastern front exhibits a steadfast effort to mitigate the flow of these illicit substances into and through the nation's borders.

The data compiled within this document have been meticulously sourced from the following authoritative resources:

  1. Official Statements and Bulletins: Information has been directly obtained from the official website of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), ensuring the veracity and governmental endorsement of the content.

  2. Operational Specifics: Detailed accounts of strike locations and the resultant casualties have been aggregated from Suwyda24 and Free Horan. Both entities are recognized for their credibility as local news agencies within the region.

Subsequent to the data gathering process, a series of comprehensive interviews were carried out by the researcher with several indivisibles working in local news agencies in the southern region.


The Transformation of Syria's Southern Region into a Hub for Terrorism and Illicit Activities

Following the 2018 Russian campaign that led to recapture of Southern Syria by the Syrian Regime, Lebanese Hezbollah, and various pro-Iranian militias, the region has undergone a significant transformation. Once considered a buffer zone, it has now emerged as a critical center for a range of illicit activities, extending far beyond narcotics trafficking. This transition was catalyzed by a Russian-facilitated reconciliation agreement in 2018, which effectively relocated the Free Syrian Army's “Southern Front” from the southern to the northwestern part of Syria.

The post-2018 era has seen a marked increase in Iranian influence and the presence of its allied militias in Southern Syria, a development that poses complex and multidimensional challenges with far-reaching implications. The following map reveals that around 60% of the entities in this area are linked to Iran or receive support from Iranian-affiliated organizations like Hezbollah.

This expansion of Iranian and allied militia influence has significantly disrupted the security landscape in Southern Syria and beyond, facilitating a variety of illegal operations. While narcotics trafficking remains a prominent activity, these groups engage in a broader spectrum of illicit endeavors. These include, but are not limited to, arms trafficking, the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), and the provision of logistical and operational support to smuggling networks. Such activities are not merely criminal in nature but also serve to cement the strategic foothold of these militias in the region.

The involvement of Iran and its proxies in these wide-ranging illegal operations, with the complicity of the Syrian regime, has severely undermined regional stability, presenting a formidable obstacle to the security forces of neighboring countries like Jordan. The complexity of combating these multifaceted illicit activities is heightened by the strategic depth and operational sophistication these non-state actors have achieved. This situation necessitates a robust international response to effectively counteract the myriad illegal operations perpetrated by these groups.

Countering Illicit Networks: Jordan's Strategic Campaign Against War Lords and Militia Operations

Enhanced Border Security and Counter-Terrorism Efforts in Jordan

In response to the evolving security landscape in southern Syria post-2018, Jordan has significantly ramped up its military and counter-terrorism operations. Since January 2019, the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) have embarked on an ambitious security overhaul, bolstered by considerable financial support from the United States and Western allies. This initiative aims to reinforce Jordan's border defenses against a spectrum of threats. The period up to May 2023 witnessed the JAF executing a robust security strategy, leading to numerous armed engagements with smugglers solely within Jordanian territory. Despite the interception of several drug shipments and the arrest of numerous individuals involved in smuggling, these illicit activities have shown resilience and even growth.

Recognizing the complexity of the challenge, Jordan has advanced its military tactics, extending its reach into Syrian territory to target smuggling networks. These networks, however, are not mere criminal enterprises; they are intricately linked with and supported by Lebanese Hezbollah, various Iranian-backed militias, and the Syrian regime, complicating the task of dismantling them.

JAF Plan Aims to: Strengthening Regional Security through Eliminating Militia-Backed Smuggling Networks

Between May 2023 and January 2024, the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) conducted a series of targeted operations along the Syrian-Jordanian border, primarily in the as-Suwayda province. These operations were not limited to counter-narcotics efforts but were part of a broader strategy to dismantle the operations of militias and local armed groups engaged in various illegal activities, including drug smuggling. The operations, which included airstrikes and ground engagements, were aimed at disrupting the logistical networks and infrastructure supporting these illicit activities. While the JAF's actions have been decisive and have led to significant seizures of illicit goods, they also underscore the challenges of conducting military operations in areas where militias intentionally blend their operations within civilian populations.

Operational Overview

The JAF's campaign has been characterized by precision strikes and coordinated ground operations targeting key nodes of smuggling networks. These efforts have focused on:

  • Destruction of Infrastructure: Targeting drug manufacturing facilities and warehouses, particularly in the Daraa countryside and as-Suwayda province, to disrupt the production and storage of narcotics.

  • Interdiction at Key Crossings: Notably, at the Nasib Border Crossing, where coordinated operations have successfully intercepted significant quantities of drugs, demonstrating the JAF's capability to cut off smuggling routes.

  • Engagements in Strategic Locations: Including Salkhad and the outskirts of Malah town, where operations have neutralized smugglers and dismantled logistical support for their activities.

Strategic Implications:

The JAF's operations have highlighted several critical areas of concern and strategic importance:

  • Integration of Civilian Areas by Militias: The unfortunate civilian casualties resulting from these operations have brought to light the tactics employed by Iranian-backed militias, warlords, and local smuggling groups. These entities deliberately operate within civilian areas, using the population as a shield, which complicates military operations and unfortunately can lead to civilian casualties.

  • Operational Hotspots: The geographic focus of the JAF's operations, including the as-Suwayda countryside, Salkhad region, and Nasib Border Crossing, reflects a strategic approach to disrupting smuggling networks at critical points, from production to transportation.

The following map point the locations of all the JAF strikes in southern Syrian region since May 2023 up to the 11th of January 2024, in addition to 2 charts that give more visual details about these strikes:

Conclusion and Recommendations

The JAF's targeted operations against militia-backed smuggling networks are crucial for regional security and stability. While these operations have achieved significant successes, the integration of operations within civilian areas by adversaries poses significant challenges.

A comprehensive approach that includes enhanced intelligence, community engagement, regional collaboration, and addressing root causes is essential for sustaining the gains made and ensuring the long-term security of Jordan and the broader region.

  • Enhanced Intelligence Sharing: Strengthen intelligence cooperation with regional and international partners to better identify and target the infrastructure and operations of smuggling networks and militias.

  • Community Engagement: Increase efforts to engage local communities in border areas to gain actionable intelligence and reduce the risk of civilian casualties. This approach can also help to undermine the support base for smuggling networks and militias.

  • Regional Collaboration: Enhance collaborative efforts with neighboring countries to address the cross-border nature of smuggling operations, focusing on coordinated patrols, joint operations, and shared intelligence.

  • Addressing Root Causes: Work with international partners to address the underlying factors that keep on feeding the smuggling and the proliferation of militias, including Iran and Hezbollah direct involvement, Syrian Regime Security Support, Legal opportunities, and others.

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