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Situation Report #00: Map of Control and Influence: Aleppo Province (9 June 2017)

This map provides a comprehensive visual representation of the complex territorial control and foreign involvement in Aleppo Province during the specified period.

Detailed military map of Aleppo Province in Syria, as of June 9, 2017. It provides a breakdown of control by various factions and external supporters, along with territorial areas and error ratios. Here is a summary of the key details:


Territorial Control Breakdown

  • Opposition Forces and Others: 5,425 km² (29%)

  • YPG Forces and SDF: 6,608 km² (35%)

  • Syrian Regime and Others: 5,560 km² (30%)

  • ISIS: 1,007 km² (6%)


Faction Presence by Percentage

  • Euphrates Shield (TSK Presence): 12.5%

  • Opposition forces and HTS: 16.7%

  • YPG/SDF: 8.5%

  • YPG (U.S. Presence): 2.5%

  • YPG (Russian Presence): 2.8%

  • Joint Area (Regime and SDF): 1%

  • Syrian Regime and Allied Militias: 11.3%

  • Pro-Iran Militias: 18.7%


External Support and Detailing

  • Turkey: Supports the Opposition forces (Euphrates Shield) in the northern parts of Aleppo Province with the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).

  • Russia: Supports the regime in the eastern parts of Aleppo Province with Russian Armed Forces.

  • U.S.: Supports YPG/SDF forces in the eastern and western parts of Euphrates River with United States Air Force - USSOCOM.

  • Iran: Supports the regime in the western, southern, and eastern parts of Aleppo Province with IRGC, Lebanese Hezbollah, 13 Iraqi militias, and 9 local militias.


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