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The Quiet Iranian Expansion in the Syrian Real Estate Market: Tools, Strategies, and Regional Impacts

Updated: Jun 4

Iran's expansion in the Syrian real estate market is evident through diverse strategies tailored to the local conditions of each region. Iran utilizes various tools, such as the Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters and the Iranian Residential Investment Organization, to build infrastructure, residential complexes, and commercial facilities. Both private and semi-governmental Iranian companies take advantage of the political and security situations in Syria to strengthen economic ties with the Syrian regime's government and create job opportunities. Iran moves subtly through its soft power tools without raising threats to Israeli national security or the American presence, enabling it to implement its strategies and plans effectively.


Iran continuously strives to enhance its influence in Syria through multiple strategies, including investments in the real estate market. This expansion is characterized by the diversity of tools and strategies tailored to the varying geographic and local conditions across Syria, subtly extending its real estate control without drawing significant attention. This approach allows Iran to avoid escalations with regional and international powers such as Israel and the United States, thereby efficiently and effectively implementing its expansionist strategies.

Iranian Expansion in the Syrian Real Estate Market: A Strategic Infiltration

Over the past few years, the Iranian expansion in the Syrian real estate market has been marked by a meticulously strategic approach, characterized by the nuanced application of diverse tools and strategies across Syria's varied geographic landscape. This expansion is not merely a series of random acquisitions but a well-orchestrated movement tailored to leverage local conditions and the dynamic nature of ongoing regional events. Through this approach, Iran and its proxies subtly extend their influence over strategically important areas, weaving a complex tapestry of control that is as effective as it is discreet.

What makes Iran's approach particularly striking is its stealth and precision. Unlike more overt geopolitical maneuvers in the region, Iran’s real estate activities operate under the radar, posing no immediate threat to the security concerns of regional powerhouses such as Israel and the United States. This subtlety ensures that Iran's activities do not provoke direct confrontations, allowing it to consolidate its foothold quietly but significantly.

Iran’s real estate strategy in Syria serves multiple strategic purposes: it secures key territories, enhances Iran’s influence over Syrian economic and infrastructural development, and embeds its presence in the socio-economic fabric of the region. This quiet conquest through real estate not only broadens Iran’s geopolitical influence but also establishes a long-term platform for projecting power in the Middle East, all while maintaining a low profile to avoid escalating tensions with major global powers.

My interview on France24 Television on May 27, 2024, to discuss Iranian influence in Syria: buying and seizing properties amidst demographic changes.

Diverse Tools and Strategies

Iran employs a variety of tools and strategies for real estate acquisitions in Syria, tailored to the geography and local conditions:

  • Khatam al-Anbia Construction: This company is the main construction arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and has been involved in infrastructure projects and reconstruction in Syria, including property development, enhancing its presence through massive reconstruction contracts with the Syrian regime government.

  • Iran Housing Investment Organization: This organization is active in purchasing and developing properties in Syria, particularly in strategic areas that enhance Iran's geopolitical interests.

  • Private and Semi-Governmental Iranian Companies: Numerous private and semi-governmental Iranian companies have invested in residential and commercial properties in Syria. These companies often operate with the support and protection of Iran-aligned militias.

  • SetadIran (Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order): Known for its extensive economic empire in Iran, Setad has also engaged in property investments in Syria, including acquisitions without the owners' consent.

  • MAPNA Group: Primarily an energy and engineering company, Mapna has also participated in infrastructure and construction projects in Syria, including some property developments.

Security and Political Context

The political and security reality in Syria, including armed conflicts and economic sanctions, provides Iran with an opportunity to bolster its real estate influence in the country. Iran exploits these opportunities to expand its strategic influence through:

  • Partnership with the Syrian Regime Government: Iranian companies work closely with local authorities to facilitate investment and construction operations.

  • Economic and Strategic Impact: Iranian investments aim to boost the local economy by providing job opportunities and rebuilding damaged infrastructure. These investments also serve to strengthen Iranian influence in Syria.

  • Impact on Regional Security: Iran's movements in the Syrian real estate market proceed without triggering any direct threats to Israeli national security or the American presence in northeastern Syria. This situation allows Iran to operate quietly and without pressure, enabling the effective implementation of its expansionist strategies.

East Star Company (Setareh Kassa) and its Role in the Syrian Real Estate Market

Also known as Setareh Shargh and Setareh Shargh Mobin, is a prominent Iranian company deeply involved in the acquisition and development of real estate in Syria. The company is active across various real estate and development projects, working closely with the Syrian regime to enhance its presence in the Syrian real estate market.

Company Activities

  • Residential and Commercial Project Development: Setareh Kassa participates in constructing and developing numerous residential and commercial projects in strategic areas within Syria, including Damascus, Homs, and other economically and politically significant regions.

  • Partnership with the Syrian Regime Government: The company collaborates closely with local authorities to facilitate investment and construction operations, benefiting from favorable policies and agreements offered by the Syrian government to attract foreign investments.

  • Economic and Strategic Impact: Setareh Kassa's investments aim to boost the local economy through job creation and rebuilding damaged infrastructure. Additionally, the company seeks to strengthen Iranian influence in Syria through these investments.

  • Residential Projects in Damascus and its Suburbs: This includes the construction of new residential complexes and the renovation of old buildings to meet the needs of local residents.

  • Development of Commercial Areas: This involves establishing modern shopping centers and other commercial facilities to support economic activity in targeted areas.

My interview on Syrian Television on May 28, 2024, to discuss the Iranian company "Setareh Kassa" and its control over the projects of the Emirati company Emaar.

The Withdrawal of Emirati Emaar Company and East Star's Takeover of Its Projects

Emaar, a leading foreign company, entered the Syrian market during the reconstruction period but ceased operations in Syria for several reasons:

  • Security and Political Situation: The escalation of armed conflict and the deteriorating security and political situation in Syria made it difficult to implement projects safely and sustainably. Many companies, including Emaar, withdrew or scaled down their operations due to high safety and security risks.

  • Economic Sanctions: International sanctions imposed on the Syrian regime led to significant complications in financing and financial transactions, affecting the ability of foreign companies to operate efficiently in the country.

  • Bureaucratic Obstacles: There were reports of significant bureaucratic and legal challenges faced by foreign companies in Syria, including Emaar, which hindered their ability to execute projects according to specified timelines and financial plans.

Control Over Emaar's Projects

Following Emaar's withdrawal, the projects it had been working on underwent changes in control and management:

  • Syrian and Iranian Companies: Many of the projects previously overseen by Emaar were transferred to Syrian companies and others supported by Iran. These companies reassessed and managed these projects within the reconstruction strategy supported by the Syrian regime government and its allies.

  • Prominent Regime-Aligned Figures: Some prominent regime-aligned figures, such as Samer Foz and Mohammad Hamsho, participated in taking over and managing these projects through their companies and partnerships with Iranian entities.

  • Government Support: The Syrian regime government provided support to local companies and foreign companies allied with it (such as Iranian companies) to take over and complete the projects previously managed by Emaar, as part of enhancing control and reconstruction with support from the regime's allies.


Iranian activities in the Syrian real estate market display a comprehensive strategy to enhance regional influence through extensive investments in infrastructure, residential, and commercial property projects. Despite the security and political challenges, Iran capitalizes on local conditions to bolster its economic and political presence in Syria. These maneuvers are executed quietly, without significant international pressures, enhancing Iran's ability to achieve its expansionary goals effectively.

Through close cooperation with the Syrian government and leveraging economic opportunities, Iranian companies significantly contribute to Syria's reconstruction and the strengthening of Iranian influence in the region. This strategic integration into Syria's economic fabric not only solidifies Iran's foothold but also potentially reshapes the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, positioning Iran as a pivotal player in post-conflict reconstruction and regional politics.

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